There are some important things which we wanted to update you guyz with
1.. Not many people are supporting us , its really unfortunate that people are not using the FILESONIC SALE LINK in the right to buy their accounts , instead they are buying through download links, we would like to request you all that if you are purchasing FILESONIC accounts then please use the link in the sidebar. We are not asking you folks anything in return to our hard work , this is the least you can do.
2.. So may people are repeatedly asking about the FORUM , TWITTER and LOGIN option at the blogs
FORUMS have been suspended as of now as none of the team members can devote any time on em,
TWITTER account has been suspended for obvious resaon 😛
THERE IS NO account function or login functionality for , our uploads are for everyone and its our policy not to force people to make accounts and thereby provide them the content. Anyone and everyone can browse and download our stuff.
3.. Despite our telling you all about the password and crc errors while unpacking the files people are still asking the same questions over and over again. If you encounter any password or CRC error then just TEST the archive with winrar and redownload the parts that show error .
Thank you